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Selection data type:  Axis_Alignment

Data type description:
Specifies how the data table cell value(s) associated with an axis tick mark align with the axis interval for a <DRM Regular Axis> instance.

Data type values / members (presented in natural order):

[<<   <   1 / 1   >   >>]     Entries per page:
5 entries - displaying 1..5

StatusData typeValueDescriptionCode
Axis_AlignmentNONEThe ith data table cell value is applicable to the entire interval [ti, ti+1).1
Axis_AlignmentLOWERThe ith data table cell value is applicable at the ti tick mark.2
Axis_AlignmentMEDIANThe ith data table cell value is applicable at the median of the ti and ti+1 tick marks.3
Axis_AlignmentUPPERThe ith data table value is applicable at the ti+1 tick mark.4
Axis_AlignmentGEOMETRIC_MEANThe ith data table cell value is applicable at the geometric mean of the ti and ti+1 tick marks. This kind of axis alignment is intended for use with GEOMETRIC spacing (see Spacing_Type).5

[<<   <   1 / 1   >   >>]     Entries per page:

In addition to the status and date information for each entry, a colour coding scheme highlights the database holding to which an entry belongs. The following highlight colours are used:

  • white - The entry is in the standard.
  • yellow - The entry has been added to the register.
  • pink - The entry has been submitted for inclusion in the register, but it is not approved.

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